Saturday 27 October 2012


kerja bersepah....
schematic drawings , mockup models, reports

i know u feel d same way... exhausted...

saya suka tgk design awak.,
u r the best designer, as for me..
i adore ur way of thinking...

somehow, i just wanna be like u...
sit, face the drafting table, start drawing and believe that ' i can do it' ...
and beat those emotions...
i always let my emo get the best of me, perhaps..
saya rasa saya heartless sgt..
tapi actually x, saya pendam..
and that's y guys always feel that i always look for a reason to stay apart from them..
maybe, sbb saya tak suka diorang, saya xambil kisah perasaan diorang..
and i reached the same conclusion..
awak xsuka saya, so awak xkisah perasaan saya,

tonite at 12, i just wanna say ' happy birthday' ..
no hurt feeling...

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